Bowyers' Silver Evening Tuesday 7 May
A group of 20 Bowyers and guests met at St Nicholas Cole Abbey on Tuesday 7 May for a talk by Court Assistant and Chairman of the Muniments Committee Simon Leach on the rich history of the Bowyers' Company. Talking in front of a display of silver and other Company possessions including, heraldic banners, past master medals, the ivory gavel of 1675 (the oldest surfing object belonging to the Company), the Beadle's Staff of 1709, our four Loving Cups, the various scrolls and the replica half size longbow given to HM The Queen on the occasion of her Silver Jubilee, amongst many other items , Simon gave an overview of each piece and and its relevance and significance. Having taken questions Simon handed over to the Master who, standing next to the brass plaque to the memory of James Wood, gave a brief talk on the Bowyers' great benefactor before proposing the silent toast. The group then adjourned to the High Timber restaurant a short walk away for supper. It was a genuinely fascinating evening, brought to life by Simon's detailed knowledge of the Bowyers' history and possessions conducted in a place of great importance to the Bowyers.
Archived event reports
- A full list of archived event reports is available in the Members' area